CPFO Spotlight: Katie Sample

Katie Sample, CPFO, CPFA, MiCPT, CPFIM, is finance director/treasurer for the City of Wayne, Michigan.

Photo of Katie Sample.

Why did you want to become a CPFO?

I aspired to become a Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO) to enhance my skills and deepen my knowledge as a local government Finance Director / Treasurer. The CPFO certification provides a comprehensive understanding of public finance principles, budgeting, and financial management, which directly benefits my role in overseeing financial operations within the local government.

What did you learn going through the process?

During my journey through the CPFO program, I acquired a deeper understanding of topics related to public finance. The program provided valuable insights into budgeting, financial reporting, and other critical aspects of managing government finances.

How has becoming a CPFO made an impact on you in your profession or how do you hope it will make an impact?

I anticipate that obtaining the CPFO certification will significantly enhance my professional capabilities as a Finance Director / Treasurer. By acquiring in-depth knowledge through the CPFO program, I aim to tackle my responsibilities more effectively and contribute positively to my organization’s financial management.

What would you say to others thinking about becoming a CPFO?

If you’re considering pursuing the CPFO certification, I highly recommend it. The program offers excellent educational content and is well worth the investment of your time.

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