GFOA Scholarship Spotlight: Angela Brown

Angela received $10,000 through the Government Finance Professional Development Scholarship.

Photo of Angela Brown.

Angela Brown is a senior accounting assistant with the City of Patterson, California. She is pursuing a master’s in business administration with a concentration in Finance and Human Resources at California State University, Stanislaus. Angela was born in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, and raised in Antigua, West Indies. She ventured to California for higher education and earned a bachelor’s degree in management and marketing.

Q & A with Angela

Where and what are you currently studying, and why did you choose this?

I'm pursuing a master’s in finance and human resources at California State University, Stanislaus. This program equips me with versatile skills for financial and human capital management roles. With this dual degree, I aim to make a meaningful impact in the public sector.

What government are you working in or hope to work at in the future?

My current role is in the Finance department at the City of Patterson in California. My aspirations include contributing to governmental organizations, emphasizing fiscal responsibility, strategic planning, and organizational success.

What are your future career goals?

I plan to pursue leadership roles that drive positive change within government agencies.

How will GFOA’s scholarship help you achieve those goals?

This scholarship will support me in achieving my career goals by providing financial assistance to further my educational investment. Moreover, I'm eager to leverage the added benefits, such as mentorship, and networking opportunities offered through my membership with GFOA. This prestigious award provides significant step towards realizing my aspirations, and I'm deeply grateful for the recognition and support.