GFOA Scholarship Spotlight: April Kincaid

April received $10,000 through the Government Finance Professional Development Scholarship.

Photo of April Kincaid.

April Kincaid currently serves as a budget analyst for the City of Gahanna, Ohio. April has a distinct passion for connecting people to their local governments. She is pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Toledo. She also plans to complete the Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO) program.

Q & A with April

Where and what are you currently studying, and why did you choose this?

I am currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Toledo.  I chose this degree because it allowed me to customize my coursework to include leadership and workplace culture courses and gives me a great foundation of business and finance classes. 

What government are you working in or hope to work at in the future?

Currently, I work for the City of Gahanna, Ohio.  I love working at the local municipality level, and I regularly volunteer at events to connect with residents.  Connecting residents to their local government is a passion of mine. 

What are your future career goals?

I intend to pursue a CPFO certification and continue to look for leadership and training opportunities.  I believe there is always a path to reach more of our residents and hope to be a catalyst for fostering a warm, inclusive environment that connects residents to their government finances. 

How will GFOA’s scholarship help you achieve those goals?

GFOA is on the cutting edge of the government finance sector and is an industry leader.  This scholarship is an invitation to partner with them on this journey, to learn from them, to learn beyond them, and to trade a status quo mentality for a mindset of growth and success.