119th Annual Conference Sessions: ERP Systems and Technology
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Sessions for Sunday, June 29
No erp systems and technology sessions for June 29
Sessions for Monday, June 30
Overcoming ERPphobia: How to Confront Your Next Project
For many finance professionals, embarking on an enterprise resource planning (ERP) project is not something they look forward to undertaking. Long hours, cost overruns, difficult vendors, and resistance to change are not pleasant experiences. However, with careful planning and a focus on organizational readiness, governments can take much of the pain out of ERP.
Ready or Not: Managing Artificial Intelligence in the Finance Office
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is just about everywhere and becoming even more prevalent. While early adopters were able to use AI to conduct research, generate images, summarize data, write memos, provide feedback, and refine ideas, it is capable of transforming how local governments manage finances and is integrated with core processes.
Cyber Risk Savvy: GFOA's 2025 Cybersecurity Update
Protecting an organization is not only an IT function. Finance professionals are critical stakeholders in any government's approach to prevent, respond to, and clean up cyberattacks. In this session, speakers will provide an update on the cybersecurity landscape specifically focused on the role of finance professionals.
Cutting-Edge Treasury Technology
Customers today appreciate the many different ways they can make payments. Forgot your wallet on your trip to City Hall to pay your water bill? No problem—pay with your phone! Didn’t have a stamp to drop off your property tax payment in the mail and it's due tomorrow? No worries—pay from the convenience of your home. As payment options continue to evolve, it's important for the treasury office to adapt to meet the needs of its customers.