Cutting-Edge Treasury Technology
Customers today appreciate the many different ways they can make payments. Forgot your wallet on your trip to City Hall to pay your water bill? No problem—pay with your phone! Didn’t have a stamp to drop off your property tax payment in the mail and it's due tomorrow? No worries—pay from the convenience of your home. As payment options continue to evolve, it's important for the treasury office to adapt to meet the needs of its customers.
New payment technologies represent important advancements that are a win-win for the government and users. Providing more options within the payment ecosystem enhances customer service offerings, which can lead to increases in revenue collections. Industry experts and peer case studies will be highlighted to showcase how new technologies can enhance your government’s receivables operations.
Learning Objectives
Identify technologies to accept digital wallets, tap-to-pay credit cards, phones, and wearables
Explain how QR codes can be used to drive payments to mobile channels
Describe how payment kiosks can be utilized to accept payments for multiple types of receivables, both on- and off-site
Discuss how payments can be made over the phone in a safe and secure way