Monitoring the Federal Fund Freeze


  • On January 29, the M-25-13 memorandum was rescinded, but all executive orders remain in effect. (Note: Prior to the rescission, judges in two separate filings issued temporary blocks to the funding freeze)
  • On January 27, 2025, the Office of Management and Budget issued a memo requiring all agencies to temporarily pause disbursement of federal assistance and submit to OMB information on impacted programs by February 10.
  • In accordance with several of the executive orders signed by President Trump since taking office, federal agencies are currently taking steps to examine their respective programs and policies to reflect the goals of the directives issued so far (see for example this Department of Transportation Order). How these reviews might impact (among other things) future applications, future funding rounds, and reporting requirements remains to be seen. We will continue to update as any agency guidance comes out.

Additional Resources

How Are You Being Impacted?

GFOA is collecting information from members that may be experiencing current challenges as a result of this evolving situation. This is not an effort to resolve individual members' issues, rather we are compiling as part of any potential outreach to agency contacts. If you are interested in sharing your story, please submit your information HERE.

Document and Resources

Documents from January 28, 2025



Memo from OMB rescinding memo issued on January 28, 2025

Read Memo

Documents from January 29, 2025



OMB Memo - M-25-13

Read Memo

OMB issues FAQs clarifying Federal Funds Freeze

Read FAQ

Instructions for Federal Financial Assistance Program Analysis in Support of M-25-13

Download Resource (PDF)

Searchable (MS Excel Format): Instructions for Federal Financial Assistance Program Analysis in Support of M-25-13

Download Resource (Excel)

GFOA Federal Liaison Center

The mission of the Federal Liaison Center is to inform GFOA members about federal legislation, regulations, judicial actions, and policies that affect public finance functions and to represent the interests of GFOA in Washington, DC. Center staff collects, analyzes, and disseminates information to GFOA members and provides policymakers with information on GFOA positions.