Alliance for Smarter School Spending

The Alliance for Smarter School Spending is a diverse group of school districts working on implementing GFOA's Smarter School Spending Framework by connecting with a diverse group of leading school districts, from both the finance and academic departments, across the United States. Member districts range in size from several hundred students to several hundred thousand students, representing a broad range of student performance and other key demographics as well.

Participants in the Alliance for Smarter School Spending will enjoy benefits such as access to resource materials as well as hands-on training to help them throughout the implementation process. More importantly, Alliance members will be able to network with their peer organizations to share their experiences and knowledge.

This Affinity Group is a free member benefit with no additional fees or volunteer requirements. As a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive networking events, webinars, and an online Community forum to connect, exchange ideas, and build relationships with your peers.

Requirements for membership in the Alliance include:

  • Participation in the annual Alliance conference by district leaders from both the finance and academic departments.
  • Willingness to adopt the Smarter School Spending Framework
  • Openness to sharing your experiences with future Alliance members.

Want to attend the Alliance Fall Meeting in Chicago in November?

Learn More

Staff Contacts:

Contact Carol MacLeod


Contact Caitlin Kane
