Committee on Treasury and Investment Management (TIM)
Money is one of the major assets of state and local government organizations and its management has never been more important. GFOA recognizes the importance of sound cash management practices, utilizing all dollars to increase capital. The Committee tracks new developments in cash management and develops best practices for government officials at all levels.
Members of the TIM Committee
GFOA's TIM Committee is made up of 25 practitioners, five advisors, and two ex-officio members of the GFOA Executive Board.
GFOA Policy Statements
Policy statements are developed by the GFOA standing committees, approved by the GFOA Executive Board
GFOA's Committee on Treasury and Investment Management is one of seven standing committees. Other GFOA committees include:
- Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Committee
- Committee on Governmental Budgeting and Fiscal Policy (BUDGET)
- Committee on Canadian Issues (CCI)
- Committee on Governmental Debt Management (DEBT)
- Committee on Economic Development and Capital Planning (CEDCP)
- Committee on Retirement and Benefits Administration (CORBA)