119th Annual Conference Sessions: Federal Advocacy
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Sessions for Sunday, June 29
No federal advocacy sessions for June 29
Sessions for Monday, June 30
Navigating FEMA Before and After a Disaster
At some point, all communities will eventually face natural disasters that challenge even the most prepared teams and best made plans. For decades, local governments have partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide resources when communities are at their most vulnerable point. However, accessing the full extent of these programs can be difficult, complex, and confusing.
Exploring the Impact of Tax Code Changes on the Municipal Bond Market
This year's Congress ushered in significant shifts in economic policies, fiscal priorities, tax implications, and market dynamics. This timely panel will highlight the political climate in Washington, DC, and the impact of the election on the municipal bond space.
Sessions for Tuesday, July 1
GFOA's 2025 Federal Advocacy Update
Some things change, and some things stay the same—so they say. In 2025 with a new Congress and new administration, GFOA's Federal Liaison Center (FLC) in Washington, DC, is advocating to maximize state and local flexibility and to minimize unfunded mandates. At the same time, the FLC is also pursuing opportunities to advance initiatives on behalf of GFOA's members to Congress, the administration, and the Supreme Court.