GFOA's 2025 Federal Advocacy Update

Conference Registration

Some things change, and some things stay the same—so they say. In 2025 with a new Congress and new administration, GFOA's Federal Liaison Center (FLC) in Washington, DC, is advocating to maximize state and local flexibility and to minimize unfunded mandates. At the same time, the FLC is also pursuing opportunities to advance initiatives on behalf of GFOA's members to Congress, the administration, and the Supreme Court.

GFOA's policy advocacy programs depend on member input and are informed by challenges and opportunities experienced by professionals working in public finance across the United States. Attend this session to learn about GFOA initiatives and share insights to help shape future policy advocacy.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain insight into federal policy changes affecting state and municipal finance.

  • Understand funding opportunities and challenges under past and potential upcoming legislation.

  • Discuss the evolving role of municipalities in federal programs.

  • Share perspectives on policy priorities in your part of the country.