Debt Management
Disclosure Update
November 20, 2024
1 p.m.-3 p.m. ET
- Field of Study: Finance
- Credits: 2
- Prerequisite: Past experience working in debt management and basic knowledge of disclosure requirements
Issuers of municipal securities have numerous disclosure responsibilities related to their bond transactions. This includes mandated filings of annual financial information and material event notices in the MSRB's EMMA system, and other types of voluntary disclosures. Industry experts will discuss these issues as well as recent SEC activities related to disclosure. A review of GFOA's best practices and the importance of developing and maintaining disclosure policies and procedures will also be addressed.
Who Will Benefit: CFO/Finance Director, Treasurer, Debt Manager
Learning Objectives:
- Those completing this seminar will be able to:
- Understand the requirements related to primary market and continuing disclosure
- Develop new or review existing disclosure policies and procedures
- Learn about recent SEC activities related to disclosure
- Review GFOA best practices on disclosure and making voluntary disclosures
- Member Price: $85.00
- Non-member Price: $170.00