119th Annual Conference Sessions: Compensation and Benefits

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Sessions for Sunday, June 29

No compensation and benefits sessions for June 29

Sessions for Monday, June 30

30 Jun
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET
Ballroom B

The Price is Right? How to Set Compensation Levels in Government

As more and more governments struggle to retain and recruit employees, many are realizing that they need to increase pay for their employees, but are unsure about exactly how to go about doing so. How much should your organization increase compensation levels? Is it appropriate to pay bonuses or establish market rates to compete for qualified staff? And how do you determine what the appropriate market rate is?

2 CPE credits

Sessions for Tuesday, July 1

1 Jul
10:20 AM-Noon ET
Ballroom B

Don't Pay More for Less: Strategies for Improving Healthcare Options

Governments, like many other employers, face constant challenges to both improve healthcare options available to employees and control the cost of services. Do governments have alternatives beyond paying more, grappling with complex policies, and minimizing disruption to employees and their families?

2 CPE credits
1 Jul
3:35 PM-4:50 PM ET
Room 151

Ignoring the Bright Lights: Going Beyond the Funded Ratio

When examining pension plans, many stakeholders and the media tend to zero in on one particular number: the funded ratio. However, the funded ratio tends to oversimplify pension plans, leaving out important details about their health, funding, and trajectories over time.

2 CPE credits

Sessions for Wednesday, July 2

2 Jul
8:30 AM-10:10 AM ET
Room 146

Is Anyone Out There? Creative Solutions to Solve the Talent Gap

Many governments continue to struggle to fill positions not only in the finance department, but across the entire organization. Competition for highly qualified workers is intense, and governments need to improve their ability to recruit and communicate the value of a career in public service.

2 CPE credits