No Easy Answers: Risks, Uncertainty, and Reserves.

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Governments are subject to financial shocks, including natural catastrophes, recessions, and more. Financial reserves (a “rainy day” fund) are essentially a form of self-insurance that governments use to buffer themselves against these risks. But what are the risks governments should be concerned about? What size of reserves is appropriate to cover risks? What opportunities are there to use commercial insurance to help cover these risks? Speakers in this session will answer these questions and more. Attendees will leave with resources and strategies to apply risk-aware and risk-savvy thinking to reserves in their own organizations.


Colin Foard

Colin Foard

Manager, Fiscal Federalism, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Chris Forster, CPFO, CGFM

Chris Forster, CPFO, CGFM

Assistant Town Manager, Town of Bluffton, SC

Liz Henderson

Liz Henderson

Global Head of Climate Risk Advisory, Aon

Shayne Kavanagh

Shayne Kavanagh

Senior Manager, Research, Chicago Office