
Annual CPE and GFOA Engagement Credit Reporting Requirements

CPFOs will report three (3) GFOA Engagement Credits (EC) every year, in addition to 15 CPEs. You can view your GFOA CPEs and ECs in the GFOA LMS through your “My Dashboard”. Your GFOA ECs will be added by staff towards the end of the calendar year.

For 2024, please complete and submit this form to confirm that you met the reporting requirements. The deadline to submit the form is February 28, 2025.

The deadline to report non-GFOA credits and submit the form is February 28, 2025, for the 2024 calendar year. CPEs from GFOA events are viewable on your LMS Dashboard. A summary of your GFOA Engagement Credits (EC) will be viewable on your LMS Transcript page in December 2024. You can self-report ECs from other organizations in the LMS.

Below is a list of ways to earn ECs:


Credits Awarded

Three Points

Serve on GFOA Executive Board

Serve on GFOA Committee

Serve as Leadership for State/Provincial GFOA Association (board or committee role)

Serve as Leadership for Peer Association

Serve in Leadership Capacity in GFOA Member Forum






Two Points

Serve on GFOA Local Conference Committee

Speak at the GFOA Annual Conference

Speak at Other Conference on Public Finance

Serve as Presenter for GFOA Training

Serve on GFOA Research Task Force

Publish Article in GFR

Complete Case Study Write Up of Own Experience

Document Best Practice Implementation in Your Government

Serve as a mentor for GFOA program

Participate as Volunteer Reviewer for GFOA Award Program

Participate as Volunteer for CPFO Program












One Point

Review GFOA Research Paper

Attend GFOA Conference

Participate in GFOA Virtual Networking Sessions

Member of Black Caucus

Member of LGBTQIA+ Caucus

Member of WPFN

Member of Small Government Forum

Member of Urban Forum

Member of Utility Finance Forum

Attend a GFOA State/Provincial or Peer Association Conference

GFOA Research Challenge Submission

GFOA Research Challenge Judge

GFOA Research Challenge Winner












The list is a guide for the types of activities that qualify as ECs. More opportunities will be added to the list as they become available and as CPFOs recommend them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I report this information?

The GFOA LMS will track CPEs that you earn through GFOA. GFOA EC volunteer activities, such as being on a committee, in a networking forum, or attending a conference will be added to the LMS by GFOA staff. For activities outside of GFOA, you can report those through the GFOA LMS.

To submit non-GFOA CPEs and Engagement Credits, please read the instructions here.

To view a short overview video of the submission process, click here.

What types of CPEs count towards the required fifteen?

CPFOs must commit to staying current in the field of public finance by participating in continuing professional education. The credits can be earned through organizations registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) or other entities that provide continuing education. All CPFOs must earn at least fifteen continuing education credits beginning with the first full calendar year after achieving certification.

I volunteer in a leadership role with a peer organization or state/ provincial association; will that count as three engagement credits?

Yes. GFOA expects that all CPFOs engage with the organization or other similar peer associations to share knowledge, network with peers, and advance the profession. Peer organizations are those such as GASB, NASBA, AGA, GFA, AICPA, AASHTA, any GFOA state or provincial association, and more.

I’ve already earned the CPFO certification. Do I have to report engagement credits?

Yes. All CPFOs are required to earn at least fifteen (15) CPEs and three (3) engagement credits each calendar year starting in 2021.

I’m still working towards the certification. When will I report CPEs and ECs?

Beginning with the first full calendar year after earning the certification.

Examples: If you earn the certification at any time in 2021, your first annual reporting window will start on 1/1/22 and ends on 12/31/22. If you earn the certification in 2022, then your first annual reporting will start on 1/1/23 and end on 12/31/2023, and so on.

I’d prefer only to report CPEs. Do I have to participate in the GFOA Engagement Credit aspect of the program?

Yes. We know that CPFO members are already active with GFOA and various peer organizations, including state and provincial chapters, so we expect three ECs to be easy to complete.

What is the reporting year?

You will report the information every calendar year, starting in January and ending in December. The deadline to report the information will be in February.

What is the CPFO Membership Fee?

Individuals earning the certification will start paying the $175 CPFO renewal fee following the first full calendar year after obtaining the certification. Ongoing renewal fees for CPFOs will be invoiced at the beginning of the calendar year. The initial membership fee will be billed in January 2022.

For example, if you earn the certification in 2022, you will initially be invoiced in January 2024. Earn it in 2023; the first invoice is in January 2025.

The benefits included with the annual membership fee will include:



Discount on GFOA Publications

25% off Member Price

GFOA eLearning

eLearning Course Credits

Access to CPFO Online Forum


Access to CPFO Networking Events


Access to CPFO Volunteer Assignments at GFOA


I have a recommendation about a new Engagement credit activity. How can I submit the information?

Please email us. We will work with the CPFO oversight committee to evaluate recommendations.