Jennifer Davis, Assistant Finance Director, City of Lawrenceville, Georgia (LGBTQIA+ Caucus Chair) 

Photo of Jennifer Davis.

What is your plan for the next year as chair?
I’m excited to see what the next year brings. Feedback and input from the Caucus members is a crucial step in this process. I plan to continue our virtual bi-monthly networking events. I would like to focus on increasing our membership and awareness of the LGBTQIA+ Caucus in the GFOA community. Also, I would love to start a mentoring program.

What made you want to be an officer?
I was looking for an opportunity to be more involved with GFOA and step outside my comfort zone. When the LGBTQIA+ task force was announced, I was immediately interested and wanted to help. The task force was seeking volunteers to be an officer and I decided this would a perfect chance to step up.

What made you choose a career in public finance?
My first job after college was at the county tax commissioner’s office. I did not know much about government at the time, but I quickly fell in love and knew that my goal was to have a career in public finance. The opportunity to serve and help the different communities matched well with my personal values. I would say public finance is my passion.