Construction Zone: How to Communicate Capital Project Information to Your Community

Conference Registration

Not only are large capital projects expensive, they are also usually very visible to the community. Some, like the construction of new parks or community centers may benefit from overwhelming public support, while others like rehabilitation of roads or bridges may place significant inconvenience on residents. With all projects, finance professionals need to work with other leaders to engage the public, communicate project information, and provide transparency into decision-making.

In this session, speakers will discuss how to tell your story more effectively, understand your audience, present appropriate information, keep stakeholders engaged, and communicate key messages related to prioritization, importance of asset maintenance, implications for service levels, and cost impacts related to project finances.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to tell the story of your capital plan to multiple stakeholders.

  • Align all stakeholders on key elements of capital plan implementation.

  • Develop strategies for communicating project information, including impact to the community and ongoing services.