Accounting and Auditing Year in Review

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The Accounting and Auditing Year in Review is a perennial favorite for attendees and staple for GFOA's conference program. Speakers will provide a comprehensive overview of the key developments in accounting, auditing, and financial reporting that affect state and local governments. Topics include recently promulgated standards and upcoming implementations with related practice issues, as well as developments related to current GASB projects likely to affect preparers and auditors in the near future.


Joel Black

Joel Black

Chair, Governmental Accounting Standards Board, Norwalk, Connecticut

R. Kinney Poynter, CPA

R. Kinney Poynter, CPA

Executive Director, NASACT, Lexington, Kentucky

Sonia Andrews

Sonia Andrews

Treasurer/CFO, City of Scottsdale, Arizona

Michele Mark Levine

Michele Mark Levine

Director, Technical Services, Chicago Office