Easier Said than Done: Attracting and Retaining Public Finance Talent in the New World of Work

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As outlined in Meeting Demand for State and Local Public Finance Jobs, a report released in Fall 2022 by GFOA and Lightcast, demand for state and local public finance officers is outstripping the current supply of workers in our sector. To address this phenomenon, governments need to adapt and find creative ways to attract new workers and retain existing ones. At this session, hear from local government leaders about what they are doing to address this problem and get some ideas to try in your own organization.


Bob Lavigna

Bob Lavigna

Senior Fellow - Public Sector, UKG Ultimate Kronos Group

Ebony Roundtree

Budget and Compensation Administrator, City of Irving, Texas

Matthew Walsh

Matthew Walsh

Research Director, Lightcast

Tristan Wulffson

Budget Analyst, Maricopa County, AZ