Resiliency for Capital Assets in times of Environmental Change

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There are hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure in the ground at all levels of government that we depend on every day. The planning and resourcing that went into these assets represent years of design, implementation, and financial commitment. What actions are governments taking to ensure they are designed and maintained to be resilient? How can governments invest in existing assets so they are available for years to come? How do we balance these infrastructure needs with the realities of what our community can afford? Speakers in this session will focus on sustainability and stewardship in all aspects of the push to find resilience through investments for both existing and new assets.


Roy Brooke

Roy Brooke

Executive Director, Natural Assets Initiative, British Columbia, Canada

Don Johnson

Don Johnson

Undersecretary, Louisiana DOTD

Christopher Paine

Christopher Paine

Director of Finance and Asset Management, District of Oak Bay

Kyle Wedberg, Ph.D.

Kyle Wedberg, Ph.D.

Senior Manager, Research and Consulting, Chicago Office