Small Government Forum - Networking Event

Conference Homepage

GFOA's Small Government Forum provides an opportunity for members of small governments to network and exchange information on topics unique to the demands of managing a small government. In this session, a panel of speakers will discuss unique challenges that small governments face with recruiting, cross training employees, and individuals taking on multiple roles in an increasingly complex public finance environment. Created in 2015, the Forum is currently open to GFOA members in small jurisdictions from the United States and Canada with populations of 25,000 or less, or with employee counts of 500 or less.


Gloria Butsch

Gloria Butsch

Finance Director, City St. Helens, Oregon

Norman Eckstein

Norman Eckstein

Chief Financial Officer & Tax Collector, Township of Boonton, New Jersey

Kevin Greenville

Kevin Greenville

Finance Director, Village of Estero, Florida

Mark Mack

Mark Mack

Senior Manager, Research and Consulting, GFOA, Chicago Office