Best Practices Forum Sessions: Capital Planning and Asset Management

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Sessions for Monday, July 29

No capital planning and asset management sessions for July 29

Sessions for Tuesday, July 30

No capital planning and asset management sessions for July 30

Sessions for Wednesday, July 31

31 Jul
10:30 AM-12:10 PM ET

Capital Planning

Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) are essential multi-year planning documents for the large capital investments for any government.  The current year of a governmental budget has both an operating and a capital budget.  What are the key components needed to effectively communicate a Capital Budget (the Capital Budget is Year 1 or the current year of the CIP)?  The Best Practice (BP) on Capital Budget Presentation walks though the building block components of both good Capital Planning and the ability to articulate and measure those components to both internal and external stakeholders.

2 CPE credits

Sessions for Thursday, August 1

No capital planning and asset management sessions for August 1

Sessions for Friday, August 2

No capital planning and asset management sessions for August 2