Become a Volunteer Reviewer

Looking for ways to help GFOA and the public finance profession, promote financial transparency and reporting and gain valuable experience at the same time?

Consider becoming a volunteer reviewer for one or more of GFOA’s award programs.

GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (COA), Canadian Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Popular Annual Financial Reporting (PAFR) and Distinguished Budget Presentation Award (Budget) programs have openings for volunteer reviewers for individuals with practical experience in government budgeting, accounting and financial reporting. Volunteer reviewers bring a respected practitioner perspective which increases the value of these programs for governments looking to improve their documents.

As a reviewer, you will:

  • Help GFOA to improve the quality of annual comprehensive financial reports, popular reports and budgets, and increase financial transparency and disclosure, building trust in government,
  • Get exposure to a wide variety of reports from many kinds and sizes of governments around the United States and Canada,
  • See how other governments implement new standards and best practices,
  • Gain insight into how to improve your own reporting,
  • Earn engagement credits toward GFOA’s CPFO certification,
  • Achieve professional recognition.

Reviewers choose the type of reports to review and the frequency of assignments. You will receive one review assignment at a time and will have 3 weeks to complete each assignment.

Apply to become a reviewer for the following programs by visiting the links below

Certificate of Achievement


Canadian Award




Budget Award
