Become a Volunteer Instructor

Interested in giving back to your profession? Your peers need your valuable insight!

GFOA is seeking volunteers to help provide high quality, practical training at its core course offerings. 


  • Serve as a subject matter expert in reviewing the teaching materials and exercises, and offer suggestions for improvement.
  • Teach one or more webinars or live classes.
  • Encourage active student participation through discussion and exercises. 

Training course types:

  • Webinar – Normally scheduled for a two-hour period, GFOA webinars focus on a single or a few related topics.  Instructors present using their computer and phone connection.  Participants view the instruction live from their computers.  Webinars are generally led by one – or at most two – instructors.
  • Live training – Scheduled for one day up to four days, instructors present and team teach in a classroom-style setting. Live training classes are generally taught by two or three instructors.

GFOA will reimburse reasonable costs for travel, lodging, and meals associated with live training, where applicable.  Webinars are taught remotely.

For more information, please contact:

Susannah Filipovic, Manager of Technical Accounting


Katie Ludwig, Director of Resource Development
