Jonas Biery
Vice President, Public Finance Banker, D.A. Davidson & Co.

Jonas Biery works for D.A. Davidson & Co. as a public finance banker and municipal advisor to local governments. Jonas has over 20 years of multi-faceted experience in the government and public finance sector. From 2011-2020, Jonas worked for the City of Portland, Oregon – first as the City’s Debt Manager and later as Business Services Manager for the City’s Bureau of Environmental Services. Jonas has experience as an issuer, banker or advisor on over 200 financing transactions of various sizes, structures and security.
Jonas previously served on the GFOA’s Committee on Governmental Debt Management and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Compliance Advisory Group. He is currently a Board Member for the State of Oregon’s Infrastructure Finance Authority. Jonas graduated from Portland State University with a BA and an MBA. He currently holds Series 63, Series 50 (Municipal Advisor Representative) and Series 52 (Municipal Securities Representative) designations.