Diane Reichard
Chief Financial Officer, City of Plant City, Florida

Diane Reichard is currently the Chief Financial Officer for the City of Plant City, Florida, with 38 years of experience in government finance, including all aspects of debt, utilities, treasury, financial reporting, cash collections, investments, accounting, auditing, budgeting, procurement, and grants!
She is past President of the Florida Government Finance Officers Association and has served the organization for 24 years as an officer, director, committee chair, chapter president and committee member. She served on the GFOA Board, and Auditing, Accounting and Financial Reporting Committee (AAFRC).
She received her Master in Accountancy (MAcc) from the University of South Florida and has received certifications as a CPA, CGMA, CPFO and CGFO.
Diane is a frequent speaker at conferences and training sessions. In her spare time, she enjoys her husband, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. She loves people, the outdoors, playing the piano and serving in the church.