John Fishbein
Senior Program Manager, Budget Award

John Fishbein is a senior program manager in the Technical Services Center of the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) in Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Fishbein came to GFOA in 2002. He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program. He is the author of GFOA's recent publication on Building a Better Budget Document. He previously authored Preparing High Quality Budget Documents for School District's and Preparing High Quality Budget Documents. He serves as staff to GFOA's standing Committee on Governmental Budgeting and Fiscal Policy. He has spoken at national and Internet training seminars and conferences on budgeting.
Chicago Office
203 N. LaSalle St Suite 2700Chicago, IL 60601
Direct: (312) 578-2268