Linnea Gandhi
Founder, BehavioralSight

Linnea Gandhi, Nicole Grabel, and Meghann Johnson are researchers, teachers, and practitioners of behavioral science in business settings. Academically affiliated with top tier universities, they dedicate much of their work to bringing psychology theory and experimental methods out of the ivory tower and into business settings through their consultancy, BehavioralSight.
The BehavioralSight team has taught over 1500 students and worked with over 50 cross-industry client partners, helping address challenges in human capital, marketing, product development, and strategic decision making. As part of their commitment to bringing clients like GFOA cutting-edge “pracademic” insight, they continue to train and collaborate with top experts in their field, including Richard Thaler (author of Nudge) and Daniel Kahneman (author of Thinking, Fast and Slow).
Linnea is the founder of BehavioralSight, an ExecEd Lecturer at The University of Chicago, and a PhD candidate at Wharton. Nicole is a Principal at BehavioralSight with a Masters of Behavioral and Decision Sciences from The University of Pennsylvania. Meghann is a Principal at BehavioralSight and the Director of Behavioral Intervention Design and User Experience at The University of Texas at Austin.