Holly Matthews
Accounting Manager, North Texas Municipal Water District

Holly Matthews is the Accounting Manager for North Texas Municipal Water District located in Wylie, Texas. She is a licensed certified public accountant and is currently working on becoming a CPFO. She has been with NTMWD for 7 years and previously worked for firms specializing in audits of local Texas governments and not for profit organizations.
Holly is currently a member of the Government Finance Offers Association, Government Finance Officers Association of Texas, Texas Society of CPAs, and is a reviewer for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program for the GFOA. She also currently serves on the WPFN Mentorship Committee.
Holly has both a Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting and a Masters of Accountancy from Abilene Christian University. She has attended numerous GFOA trainings and seminars and is excited to present again at the GFOA conference.