Laura Browne
Founder, Career Tips For Women

Laura Browne is a speaker, corporate trainer, author, and business coach who helps women be more successful at work through her company, Career Tips For Women.
She spent 9 years delivering coaching and training to high-potential female leaders from Fortune 100 companies through WOMEN Unlimited. She also designed and presented 12-month leadership programs for high-achieving female leaders for a company experiencing turnover issues with female managers. Program participants had higher rates of retention and promotion than their colleagues who had not attended.
Laura has extensive experience in global leadership and management development. She has been recognized for her outstanding facilitation, design, and communication skills – in individual coaching, small team building sessions, and for large audiences.
She is the author of 11 books including Increase Your Income: 7 Rules for Women Who Want to Make More Money at Work and A Salary Cinderella Story (Or How To Make More Money Without A Fairy Godmother).
She has written for Forbes and has been quoted as a business expert in major publications including Cosmopolitan, Family Circle magazine, and USA Weekend.
For more information on resources and training available, go to or contact her at