Sam Naik
Senior Consultant
Sam Naik joined GFOA’s Research and Consulting Center in September 2022. He supports GFOA’s consulting practice by assisting governments in business process improvement, policy analysis, and procurement of enterprise resource planning systems. He also supports GFOA’s education work and serves as one of the staff liaisons for GFOA’s LGBTQIA+ caucus.
Prior to GFOA, Sam worked for the City of Austin Office of the City Auditor and the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General as a performance auditor. He remains an active member of the Association of Local Government Auditors (ALGA). He received a B.A. in Government and Latin American Studies and a Master of Public Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin.
Chicago Office
203 N. LaSalle St Suite 2700Chicago, IL 60601
Direct: (312) 578-4412