Daniel Ramos
Executive Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Harris County, Texas

Daniel Ramos is a dedicated public servant with a wealth of experience in budgeting and management. He has a proven track record of successful financial stewardship, both as the former Deputy City Administrator for the Baltimore City Mayor's Office and now as he serves as the Executive Director of Budget and Management with Harris County.
As the Budget and Management Executive Director of the third most populous county in the U.S., Daniel Ramos plays a pivotal role in managing the county's substantial $5.3 billion operating and capital budgets, which earned the prestigious Government Finance Officers' Association's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. He leads a team of 33 budget, financial, and data professionals and is instrumental in developing and implementing the county's first affordable housing tax abatement policy. His negotiations in securing a public-private partnership for the redevelopment of a historic blighted mall into a consolidated outpatient clinic showcased his innovative approach to problem-solving. Furthermore, his leadership was pivotal in the passage and subsequent implementation of a $1.2 billion infrastructure bond.
Prior to his role in Harris County, Ramos oversaw a $1.5 billion operating & capital budget and supervised a workforce of 4,700 employees in Baltimore. His role as the lead advisor encompassed a wide range of responsibilities, from budgeting and operational matters to policy issues related to various critical areas such as transportation, solid waste, and the water utility. Ramos’s proactive approach resulted in the creation of cash assistance and small business rebate programs aimed at providing relief to vulnerable residents and businesses, particularly during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. He was at the forefront of the city's response efforts, leading emergency procurement, FEMA reimbursement, and CARES Act funding initiatives.
Ramos finished his MBA from the Carey School of Business at Johns Hopkins in the spring of 2023, further enhancing his knowledge and expertise in public administration. He is a native of Bell Gardens, California, and made his way to Harris County via Baltimore Maryland. His dedication to innovation and efficiency, along with his strong leadership skills, continue to shape his impressive career in public administration.