James Rizzo

Senior Consultant & Actuary, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

James Rizzo

James J. Rizzo is a Senior Consultant and Actuary with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company --- A national firm specializing in actuarial and benefits consulting for the public sector.

Mr. Rizzo has over 35 years of experience in virtually all aspects of retirement plans for governmental entities.

He has a national reputation as a subject matter expert in Pension and OPEB plans for government employees. He has written numerous articles and papers and is a frequent speaker at national, state and local conferences.

He serves on various committees of the American Academy of Actuaries, the Conference of Consulting Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries. He has served on three advisory committees of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board -- one on OPEBs, one on Pensions, and one for conducting a closed-door educational workshop on actuarial matters for the GASB Board members and Staff.

Mr. Rizzo has been deeply involved in assisting plans and employers implementing and complying with GASB accounting standards for Pensions and OPEBs.