Raffael Stein

Director, Water Infrastructure Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

Raffael Stein

Raffael Stein is the Director of EPA’s Water Infrastructure Division and oversees the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) program which has provided over $150 billion in assistance since its inception. Raffael also has responsibility for the Water Infrastructure & Resiliency Finance Center (WIRFC), several targeted infrastructure funding programs, the decentralized wastewater program, and the WaterSense program. In recent years, he helped establish and managed the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program. Raffael has been with the Agency for over 30 years. During his EPA career, he worked as an economist in the Office of Water and served in management positions in the Agency’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer including as Director of the Office of Financial Services where he was responsible for the EPA’s financial operations. Prior to coming to EPA, Raffael was an economist for the Commonwealth of Virginia and a financial analyst in a consulting firm specializing in municipal finance research. He earned a B.A. from Grinnell College and an MPP from Duke University.