William McCarty
Director, Budget & Management, City of Springfield, IL

William D McCarty II became Director of Budget and Management (OBM) on May 2, 2011. As Director of OBM, Director McCarty is responsible for overseeing tax administration, accounting, accounts payable, budgeting, payroll, purchasing, and citywide fleet maintenance services. From October 2007 through May 2011, Bill was Chief Financial Officer, Bureau of Property Management for the State of Illinois Central Management Services (CMS).
From April 2005 through April 2009, he served as Village President of Williamsville, Illinois and prior to that spent three years as Village Trustee in Williamsville.
Currently, Bill is President of the Illinois Government Finance Officers Association Executive Board and is Chair of the IGFOA Legislative Committee. He is also a member of the Illinois Municipal League (IML) Legislative Committee, a member of IML’s Personnel and Pensions Policy Committee and is Chair of the National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA) U.S. Government Affairs Committee.