Charlie Yadon

Senior Associate, Florida Division of Bond Finance, Tallahassee, Florida

Charlie Yadon

Charlie Yadon is a senior associate at the Florida Division of Bond Finance with a strong background in public finance and debt management. He holds bachelor degrees in finance and accounting from Florida State University and a master’s degree in finance from the University of Florida. During his time at Florida State University, Charlie was introduced to public finance while working on financings for capital projects at the university as an intern at the Florida Division of Bond Finance. Following grad school, he worked in investment banking for four years covering municipal clients throughout Florida before returning to the Division in 2017.

At the Division, he serves as the primary financial analyst on the issuance of debt for State agencies and universities with responsibilities including revenue modeling and bond structuring, modifying bond resolutions, developing offering documents, preparing rating and investor presentations, and drafting agenda items for approval by the Governor and Cabinet. He also monitors the State’s approximately $16 billion outstanding debt portfolio for refinancing opportunities, facilitates annual continuing disclosure filings, reviews university debt proposals for compliance with Board of Governors guidelines, and assists with ongoing rating surveillances and the State’s annual budget and economic update to rating agencies.

The Division manages the issuance and ongoing monitoring of a diverse range of more than 35 different credits, including State general obligation bonds, tax backed revenue bonds, transportation revenue bonds, State appropriation backed certificates of participation, higher education revenue bonds, and transactions for the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and the Florida Insurance Guaranty Association.