Adam Zink
Assistant Treasurer, Lakota LSD, Liberty Township, OH
Adam Zink earned a BA in accounting from the University of Cincinnati. He began his professional career with the Ohio Auditor of States Office as a project accountant with Local Government Services. As a project accountant, he worked on GAAP, OCBOA, and CAFR reporting for Ohio school districts, counties, cities, townships and villages. In this capacity, Adam worked on several Fiscal Emergency projects for Ohio school districts. In 2012, he left the Auditor of States Office to become the Treasurer/CFO of districts with budgets from $10 million to $40 million in Southwest Ohio. He holds an Ohio School Treasurer license, is a professional member of GFOA, and OASBO where he is also a past-president of the Ohio Valley OASBO chapter. Since August 2016, Adam has been the Assistant Treasurer of Ohio’s ninth largest K-12 school district, Lakota Local Schools in Butler County, Ohio. Adam also works with K-12 Business Consulting as a Consultant to assist Ohio districts with development of their five-year forecast.