GFOA encourages members with at least one year of experience in budgeting to volunteer as a reviewer for the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. As a reviewer, you will

  • Help GFOA encourage governments to improve the quality of budget documents and budget transparency
  • Be at the forefront of the most recent trends in budget documents for local governments
  • Get exposure to a wide variety of report formats from around the United States and Canada
  • Gain insight into how to improve your own budget document
  • Get professional development
  • Achieve professional recognition

Reviewers enjoy flexibility regarding the number and type of budget documents you wish to review. No more than one budget is assigned to each reviewer per month and reviewers can identify the months to participate. On average, reviews take 2-3 hours and can be returned electronically. GFOA staff is also available to answer any questions during the review.

Apply to be a Budget Award Volunteer Reviewer

Click Here

Using the AMS System to Submit Volunteer Reviews

Click Here

Request a Due Date Extension

Click Here

Volunteer Reviewer AMS Instructions
