CPFO Spotlight: Cindy Miserez

Cindy Miserez, MBA, CGFM, CPFO, is controller for Omaha Public Schools in Omaha, Nebraska.

Photo of Cindy Miserez.

1. Why did you want to become a CPFO? 

As my involvement in government accounting increased to involve financial report preparation and audit preparation, I knew I needed a more formal framework to achieve competency. I learned much from consultants and auditors and that propelled me to learn more. I also liked the idea of a certification that would acknowledge my experience. At this point in my career, I was not going to pursue a CPA and the CPFO fit my work experience.

2. What did you learn going through the process? 

I was amazed that whatever I was studying had immediate application to my current job duties. My confidence increased as my instincts about how to handle things was confirmed by what I was studying. The study materials also rely heavily on GFOA Best Practices. This is very concrete practical information one can see every day in the workplace.

3. How has becoming a CPFO made an impact on you in your profession?  

Well, I am very happy to have achieved a personal goal, receive the certificate and use the CPFO designation. I like the CPFO on-going requirements that the CPFO holder be involved in GFOA activities. I’m involved in the local Great Plains GFOA chapter and will look at other GFOA opportunities to be involved. The certification helps support my continuing professional education through the annual conference and webinars. I also want to encourage others to pursue the certification and grow in their careers.

4. What would you say to others thinking about becoming a CPFO? 

GFOA has done everything possible to make this a smooth process. The test centers are excellent and very efficient. The Learning Management System makes all the training materials readily available on multiple devices. My strategy was to schedule the exam many months out and then start studying the materials. I would take the practice test very close to the exam date and then study some more and take the practice test again. I encourage those thinking about becoming a CPFO to register for the first year and start studying the materials. The main thing is to start. Studying for the tests has immediate benefits prior to taking the exams.

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