CPFO Spotlight: Kathryn Kruger

Kathryn Kruger, CPFO, is school district business manager at Alfred-Almond Central School, New York

Photo of Kathryn.

Why did you want to become a CPFO?

To continue to develop my knowledge of public finance, and to keep myself motivated professionally.

What did you learn going through the process?

GFOA is a great resource for the specialized finance information that is not necessarily taught in college or through other associations or training programs. It is compiled in logical categories that make it easy to plan a course toward professional development and success.

How has becoming a CPFO made an impact on you in your profession or how do you hope it will make an impact?

I believe it is an important certification to add to my qualifications, and it has provided me with the exact training I needed the most, whether working in a village, a city or a school district. I will continue to refresh my knowledge and stay updated on changes and best practices, through the GFOA learning platform.

What would you say to others thinking about becoming a CPFO?

I wish I had known about both the GFOA and the CPFO program when I first began working in public finance, 17 years ago, and I strongly encourage others to pursue the certification. 

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