Leadership, Ethics, and Trust

Leadership Workshop with Ritu Bhasin: Foundations of Effective Allyship


September 19, 2023

1 p.m.-2 p.m. ET

  • Field of Study: Personal Development
  • Credits: 1.00
  • Prerequisite: None

Join award winning speaker and internationally recognized expert in diversity, equity, and inclusion, authentic leadership, and personal empowerment, Ritu Bhasin, to explore what is allyship and how it is connected to being an inclusive leader. As part of the session, attendees will:

  • Define key equity, inclusion and cultural competence concepts and how they inform effective allyship
  • Review the key pillars of being an effective ally, including an understanding of unconscious bias and systems of supremacy, power and privilege
  • Understand the must-do behaviors for allies
  • Develop Practical strategies for applying an allyship lens to team interactions and stakeholder management

  • Member Price: $85.00
  • Non-member Price: $170.00