GFOA Scholarship Spotlight: Briana Poindexter

Briana received $10,000 through the Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship.

Photo of Briana.

Briana Poindexter is currently in the Master of Public Administration program at New York University's Wagner School of Public Service, specializing in Profit and Nonprofit Management and Policy. Briana has a strong foundation in political theory and analysis, along with a powerful interest in data-driven decision-making and innovation. She is excited about collaborating with like-minded professionals to pursue positive change.

Q & A with Briana

Where and what are you currently studying, and why did you choose this?

I am a Master of Public Administration student at New York University's Wagner School of Public Service, specializing in Profit and Nonprofit Management and Policy. I chose to explore this topic as it impacts large segments of society. As an African American student interested in politics, I see the connection between social justice, democracy, and nonprofit and government organizations, and their implications on inequality, race, and poverty. The undeniable connection between the three has been a driving force that initially called me to be a public servant within distressed communities and initiate change by addressing inequalities within hierarchical systems.

What government are you working in or hope to work at in the future?

I am focused on opportunities within federal, state, or local government agencies dedicated to legislative affairs, policy development, or legal analysis. I aim to use my skills and expertise to impact public policy and positively advance the community's interests. Working for the Legislative branch within government offers a pathway to enact meaningful change and advocate for policies that uphold civil liberties, promote equity, and protect the rights of all individuals. 

What are your future career goals?

My future career goal is to become a successful and impactful policy analyst, working within government and reputable organizations dedicated to legislative affairs, policy development, and legal analysis. I aspire to leverage my research, data analysis, and critical thinking skills to contribute to formulating evidence-based policies that address complex societal issues, promote social justice, and improve the overall well-being of communities. Additionally, I aim to actively engage in the legislative process, advocating for policies that uphold civil liberties, advance equity, and protect the rights of all individuals. Ultimately, I envision myself playing a pivotal role in shaping and influencing public policy at local, state, or federal levels, making a meaningful and lasting impact on society.

How will GFOA’s scholarship help you achieve those goals?

Receiving the Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has been instrumental in helping me achieve my career goals. The financial support provided by this scholarship has alleviated the burden of higher educational expenses, allowing me to dedicate myself fully to my studies and gain valuable professional experiences necessary for a career in public policy. Moreover, the networking opportunities facilitated by the scholarship within the government finance and policy analysis sectors have been invaluable, especially in the early stages of my career. The recognition and validation of receiving a scholarship from such a reputable organization like GFOA have motivated and empowered me to excel in my academic pursuits and future career endeavors.