Government-Adjacent Career Opportunities at GFOA

Learn how your local government background can open the door to a career with our mission-driven team.

Leverage Your Governmental Accounting Expertise

GFOA has a team of highly skilled professional accountants in the Certificate of Achievement (COA) for Excellence in Financial Reporting program at GFOA. The COA is an esteemed award recognizing local governments who go beyond the minimum requirements of accepted accounting principles to prepare comprehensive annual financial reports that evidence the spirit of transparency and full disclosure that is essential to establish trust in local government.

Join GFOA's Team of Local Government Process Improvement Experts

Consultants within GFOA’s Research and Consulting Center (RCC) provide direct support for a variety of GFOA programs including consulting engagements, training seminars, best practice research, member networking, program administration and more. Consultant/Analysts become subject matter experts in enterprise resource planning (ERP) procurement and implementation, risk management, budgeting, and other RCC core competency areas to support GFOA clients across the United States and Canada.

Working in small teams, consultant/analysts help analyze local government business process, evaluate options, provide recommendations, and maintain GFOA know-how to support GFOA’s consulting practice. Other projects for Consultant/Analyst may include serving as subject matter expert to lead research projects or coordinate training opportunities, promote GFOA’s membership, lead programming related to specific topics or target market segments, or provide data analysis or staff support across the organization. Consultant/Analysts are expected to manage competing priorities and deadlines, work independently, demonstrate knowledge and appreciation for local governments, advocate for GFOA best practices and support of GFOA’s mission to advance excellence in public finance.

Kick-Start Your Career with a GFOA Internship

GFOA seeks undergraduate or graduate students interested in a career working in local government finance. GFOA’s internship program offers practical experience working with local governments on issues such as budgeting, technology, accounting/financial reporting, treasury management, purchasing, process improvement and others.