Hero Award Spotlight: Jason Carini
Jason Carini is the Treasurer for Rogers County, Oklahoma
- Jason developed new budget procedures, submitting the county budget in a timely manner to allow taxpayers to receive tax bills sooner with more time to pay. He produced and published Rogers County's first budget book, providing transparency and interaction for the public through the digital resource. The County won the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the past two years.
- He implemented the county's first investment program, created policy and procedures manuals, and focused on investing in safe and liquid securities with substantial returns.
- To provide taxpayers the opportunity to make payments in their communities and save time and resources, Jason established tax mobile sites. Moreover, he implemented a tax warrant program, initially cleaning up seven years of delinquent taxes. He collected 100 percent of personal property tax, which impacted the budgets for local schools, fire districts, and other entities.
- Jason compiled and organized financial statements in a timely manner, which positively impacted the bond ratings for the county and allowed refinancing and early payoff of debt, saving the taxpayers money.
- He led a briefing on Capitol Hill for congressional staffers on municipal bond modernization, promoting further education on modern investment ideas for the community.
- Jason drafted Oklahoma statute language for SB280, which authorized a rainy-day fund and a capital reserve fund that impacted the county’s ability to plan for emergencies; collaborated on Oklahoma SB281, which impacted the ability to invest county funds in Oklahoma state authorities; and drafted Oklahoma statute language for S2538, which permitted combining of county investment funds for investment opportunities.
- Improving confidence within the office, Jason empowers employees through the encouragement of participation in continuing education courses, leadership programs, conferences, and certifications.