GFOA Leadership Academy in Chicago

Offered at the GFOA's Training Center, July 20–25, 2025

From the opening reception and dinner to the closing lunch, the week features a mix of sessions designed to spur individual learning, develop organizational insights, and nurture development of leadership skills. Sessions are intended to balance the role of the financial professional in state and local government with key trends in leadership for the public sector. Representative sessions include:

  • Self-assessments and other behavioral insights designed to help participants understand how they work—and how they can best contribute to their organizations
  • Leadership skills for the 21st century
  • Characteristics of great organizations
  • You and your organization
  • Values of public service
  • Case study preparation and presentations
  • Leadership discussions and reflections


Leadership Academy speakers will share their perspectives on the roles and responsibilities of state and local government officials in a complex and rapidly changing world. They will share career insights gleaned from research and hands-on leadership experience. The roster includes:

Robert O'Neill

Robert O'Neill

Executive in Residence, Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Center for Livable Communities

Image of Chris Morrill.

Chris Morrill

GFOA Executive Director

Image of Shayne Kavanagh.

Shayne Kavanagh

GFOA Senior Research Manager

Ben Fauske

Founder, RISE Leadership

Kim Nelson

Kim Nelson

Professor of Public Administration and Government, University of North Carolina

Valerie Lemmie

Valerie Lemmie

Director of Exploratory Research, Kettering Foundation

Photo of Justin Marlowe

Justin Marlowe

Professor, University of Chicago

Photo of Dr. Ulrich Jensen

Dr. Ulrich Jenson

Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University

Scholarship Availability

If you are interested in applying for the next Leadership Academy, but are concerned about the costs for travel or lodging, you can also apply for a scholarship through the GFOA’s Leadership Development Scholarship program. GLDS is a program focused on providing scholarship funding to working professionals for in-person training provided by GFOA and our partners.

Applications for a GLDS scholarship are completed through the Leadership Academy application process. After submitting an application to the academy, the confirmation email will include details to complete a GLDS application.

Questions? Please contact GFOA's Randall Towns.