Lighthouse Cohort Partner Resources

GFOA is currently working with several partner organizations in what is collectively known as the IRA Elective Pay Lighthouse Cohort. The goal of this effort is to encourage public entities to pursue the newly available credits. Below are resources the partners have developed in a collaborative effort to increase elective pay update.

Cohort Partner Elective Pay Presentations

Eligible Project Worksheets

The purpose of these is to help entities keep project information organized as you will need this information as you go through the pre-filing registration process.

  1. EV Purchases
  2. EV Charging and DOE Energy Credit Eligibility Locator Map
  3. ITC/PTC (e.g., solar)

Annotated Tax Forms

The annotated forms are not intended to serve as tax advice but only a general overview of one part in the elective pay election process.

Please consult your tax professional, accountant, or attorney for your specific situation and filing the appropriate forms.

Partner IRA Sites