Fiscal First Aid

Assessing Risks Related to Cyber Crime

Assessing Risks Related to Cyber Crime

Every local government in the United States and Canada is a potential target for cyber crime and risks potential disruption of services. Today many governments lack the resources to protect their systems adequately and to react to cyber attacks and as a result, this makes all governments more attractive and vulnerable. For example, it is estimated that public sector cyber ransom costs are ten times higher than the private sector due to this exposure. This session will provide an overview of recent cyber-criminal trends and their impact on public-sector organizations. Speakers will present critical topics for all finance officers to understand, including assessing current risks, developing security policies, how to best enforce security standards, proper budgeting for adequate technology security, what to do if you become a victim, and whether or not to consider paying ransom. Participants will also learn practical tips for applying those key “what,” "why," and “how” questions that can be implemented as soon as they get back to the office.

Recorded April 15, 2020

  • Publication date: April 2020