An Elected Official's Guide: Government Finance
![Elected Official's Guide to Government Finance 2nd Edition](
Second Edition
The Government Finance Officers Association launched its most popular publications series 24 years ago when it issued An Elected Official's Guide to Government Finance. This second edition provides an overview of key financial management issues by topic, and includes references to new and updated GFOA policies and recommended practices. This book is divided into six general finance categories: Financial Policies, Management, and Operations; Planning and Budgeting; Capital Improvements and Economic Development; Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting; Treasury, Debt, and Investment Management; and Retirement and Benefits Plans. The booklet is once again written by Girard Miller - investor, writer, strategic consultant, and commentator in the public sector and field of investments.
- Publication date: January 2008
- Member price: $20.00
- Non-member price: $30.00