City of Topeka, Kansas
“The Topeka Blvd was a project that we bonded and recently paid off, which was a $51 million dollar project. The bridge was completely rebuilt utilizing the funds from the bond proceeds and, is a vital bridge to the community that connects North Topeka to the remaining City due to it spanning the Kansas river. Without the tax exempt status, City financial advisors have estimated that an additional $3.3 million would have been paid over the life of the loan.” –Brandon Kauffman, Finance Director
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City of Kansas City, Missouri
In May, 2016, the City had its grand opening of its new Streetcar Line, which was financed in part with $63 million in tax exempt bonds issued by the City. The economic impact of this project includes approximately $2.1 billion in new downtown development. To date, 60 projects totaling $285 million have been completed, there are 44 projects totaling $858 million in permitting and construction phases, and there have been 18 additional projects announced totaling $929 million. Of particular note, the developer of a 44 unit market rate apartment building at 19th and Main Street cited the Streetcar as a main factor in the decision to construct the building on what was once a vacant lot.”– Doug Buehler, City Treasurer
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City of Moscow, Idaho
“The GO Bond was used to help purchase the Hamilton Lowe Aquatic Center (HLAC). The HLAC is the only outdoor public pool in the City of Moscow. The Sewer Revenue Bonds were used to continue the construction of the wastewater treatment plant. Some of the upgrades to the treatment plant were adding capacity, and efforts were undertaken to determine viability of alternative forms of treatment to meet effluent temperature limits accordance with the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDAS) permit issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).” –Jeff Spellman, Accounting Specialist
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