Leadership Workshop: GFOA's Budgeting Readiness Assessment

Conference Registration

Local governments have long relied on last year’s budget to make incremental, line-item changes around the margins to make next year’s budget. Though this form of budgeting has advantages and can be useful in times of stability, it can also make local governments slow to adapt in times of rapid change, like the volatile and uncertain times we live in today. GFOA’s Rethinking Budgeting initiative considers new ways of thinking, new technologies, and updated practices to better meet the changing needs of communities. GFOA has developed a tool to assess your organization’s readiness to rethink budgeting. At this session, you will learn what it means to rethink budgeting, become familiar with the resources GFOA has developed to do so, and learn how to use the assessment tool in your organization.

Note: This workshop required pre-registration.


Shayne Kavanagh

Shayne Kavanagh

Senior Manager, Research, Chicago Office

Katie Ludwig

Katie Ludwig

Director of Resource Development, Chicago Office