118th Annual Conference Sessions: Compensation and Benefits

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Sessions for Sunday, June 9

9 Jun
2:40 PM-3:30 PM ET
Room W230

Options for Cutting the Cost of Employee Health Benefits

For many local governments, the cost of employee health benefits takes up a bigger share of the total budget every year. Given how competitive the labor market is right now, many local governments are hesitant to cut benefits to achieve lower costs. This session will provide an overview of options for reducing the cost of employee health benefits without reducing the benefits provided to the employee.

Sessions for Monday, June 10

10 Jun
4:15 PM-5:30 PM ET
Tangerine Ballroom, WF3

All About ASOPs

GFOA recommends that public pension plans use an Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) to determine how much governments will contribute to the plan, and Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs) can have a significant influence on valuing the underlying liabilities, determining specific contributions, and assessing key risk factors. This session will provide an explanation of recent changes in ASOPs--including the how and why behind the standards--and provide guidance on how pension plan administrators can effectively implement and maximize the value of ASOP-recommended activities.

1.5 CPE credit
10 Jun
4:15 PM-5:30 PM ET
Rooms W224, ABEF

Mission Impossible: Fixing the Challenges with Public Sector Hiring Practices

Hiring practices in the public sector are different than in other industries. However, as leading governments have proven, different doesn't need to mean slow, ineffective, and frustrating. This session will feature a panel of leaders from governments who were able to transform their hiring practices to increase efficiencies, increase applicable pools, reduce hiring times, and better attract qualified candidates for positions within finance and across the entire organization. Attend this session to understand how you can learn from their experiences and improve your own recruiting processes.

Sessions for Tuesday, June 11

11 Jun
2:00 PM-3:15 PM ET
Tangerine Ballroom, WF3

Pension and Defined Contribution Plan Update

Keeping up with the latest changes and trends related to administering pension and defined contribution (DC) plans can be overwhelming. Plan administrators need to stay abreast of updates to laws such as the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the SECURE Act, as well as any potential changes to tax regulations affecting retirement plans. This session will provide an overview of what's new in this world and show you where to go for more information.

Sessions for Wednesday, June 12

No compensation and benefits sessions for June 12